Warlocks are the space wizards of Destiny 2. They take the power of the Traveler and use it to devastating effect, hammering enemies with giant balls of space magic or pummeling them with dozens of energy spines from a distance.
Strand is one of the most complicated Subclasses to master, and combined with the Warlock Class, it can feel overwhelming and impossible to craft any sort of build. Luckily, we’ve got some tips to help all players make the best Strand builds for their Warlocks.
Destiny 2: Warlock Strand Builds GuideRelated: Destiny 2: Exotic Power Weapon Tier List
Best Warlock PvE Strand Build in Destiny 2

The best Strand Warlock build for PvE in Destiny 2 that we can see focuses on supporting allies in combat, destroying enemies, and providing some relief for ammunition. Warlocks can be powerhouses and decimate enemies, but it’s good to use Strand to have a balance that helps in every area and allows other players to take on more offensive roles.
Class Build for PvE Strand Warlock in Destiny 2
We’ve outlined the Class build below so players can see which Aspects, Fragments, and Abilities they should be running with to make the most of Strand in a PvE-focused Warlock. Players are free to modify this build with mods however they want on their armor and weapons. We believe mods are flexible and should be used to enhance the build to suit each player’s individual playstyle and are too subjective to recommend for this build.
Class Attribute | Best Option for a Strand PvE Warlock |
Aspects | Mindspun Invocation: Enhances Strand grenades with new functionality. For this build, it’ll allow players to hold the grenade button to consume their Threadling Grenade and generate five perched Threadlings. It also alters the Grapple Melee attack, so it spawns three Threadling eggs. Weaver’s Call: Players can cast their Rift to weave three Threadlings and send out any perched Threadlings they have already. |
Fragments | Thread of Generation: Dealing damage of any kind generates Greande Energy. This Fragment also applies -10 to the player’s Discipline. Thread of Evolution: Any Threadlings players send out will travel for longer and deal more damage to enemies. This Fragment also adds +10 to the player’s Intellect. Thread of Rebirth: Causes final blows with a Strand weapon to have a chance to immediately spawn a Threadling. Thread of Continuity: Increases the duration of suspend, sever, and unravel effects on enemies and increases the Warlock’s Strength by +10 |
Abilities | Threadling Grenade: This grenade transforms into woven Threadlings made of Strand that will hunt down enemies and leap into them to deal damage. ***Players can use any Grenade with this build, but to really make the most of Strand we believe they should use Threadling Grenade. *** |
Recommended Exotics for Strand PvE Warlock in Destiny 2

Exotic weapons and armor are hard to come by, and we understand that not everyone will have the ones we recommend. That’s why we’ve tried to include an Exotic weapon and piece of armor that most Destiny 2 players will either have or can easily pick up.
For our Warlock PvE Strand build, we suggest using Final Warning, a primary Strand Sidearm. This weapon is a Strand elemental that players can get by completing its Exotic quest. The Exotic Perk, All at Once, will acquire multiple targets and load ammo when players hold down the trigger. When players release the trigger, those loaded bullets will burst out at the acquired targets with some enhanced stability.
As a little bonus, hitting targets with a fully charged burst will unravel them. It’s also possible to switch the weapon’s preference between hip firing and aiming to deal increased damage to targets based on preferred playstyle.

This Exotic weapon plays into the Exotic armor we recommend for this PvE build, Swarmers. Its Exotic Perk spawns a Threadling when players destroy a Tangle, and those Threadlings will unravel enemies they attack. This can cause more Tangles and create a snowball effect where the Warlock is bounding between enemies, causing havoc with the sheer number of Threadlings swarming around the place.
Best Warlock PvP Strand Build in Destiny 2

When it comes to PvP for a Warlock Strand build in Destiny 2, we’re looking for something that can damage enemies and stop them in their tracks. Usually, Stasis would be better for this, but Strand can be used in just the right way to really take some other players by surprise. As with our PvE build, this one has been created with ease of acquisition for Exotics and the setup for Aspects and Fragments. Players do need to work through the Lightfall campaign and beyond, but they should earn when they need pretty quickly.
Class Build for PvP Strand Warlock in Destiny 2
We’ve outlined the specifics of the Class build that we recommend below. These are a good baseline for players to mess around with until they find their groove in something that works for their playstyle. As we said above, mods are very subjective, and we encourage players to swap them in and out of gear until they find ones that make for the best PvP experience for them.
Class Attribute | Best Option for a Strand PvE Warlock |
Aspects | Mindspun Invocation: Enhances Strand grenades with new functionality. For this build it’ll allow players to hold the grenade button to consume their Threadling Grenade and generate five perched Threadlings. It also alters the Grapple Melee attack so it spawns three Threadling eggs. The Wanderer: Players can throw Tangles that attach to targets and explode to suspend them. Destroying a Tangle will also create a suspending burst after a moment, and any Threadling final blows will also generate a Tangle. |
Fragments | Thread of Generation: Dealing damage of any kind generates Greande Energy. This Fragment also applies -10 to the player’s Discipline. Thread of Mind: Earn Class ability energy by defeating suspended targets. Thread of Warding: Players gain Woven Mail when they pick up an Orb of Power. This Fragment will also apply -10 to a Warlock’s Resilience. Thread of Continuity: Increases the duration of suspend, sever, and unravel effects on enemies and increases the Warlock’s Strength by +10 |
Abilities | Shackle Grenade: This grenade is a massive thrown weapon made up of Strand energy. It detonates on impact and suspends all targets in range, creating additional suspending projectiles as it blows. ***Players can use any Grenade with this build, but to really make the most of Strand we believe they should use Shackle Grenade. *** |
Recommended Exotics for Strand PvP Warlock in Destiny 2

For this PvP Warlock Strand build in Destiny 2, we’re going to opt for the Claws of Ahamkara Exotic Gauntlet. While not as specific as the Exotic we’ve chosen for the PvE build, it has a purpose that fits with the Aspects and Fragments chosen for the build.
The Exotic Perk, The Whispers, gives Warlocks an additional melee charge. Any charged melee final blows will also spawn an Orb of Power. The key here is the additional melee charge. It gives players more of a chance to generate Tangles, which, in turn, can generate Orbs of Power. Picking up the Orbs grants Woven Mail, protecting the Warlock and allowing them to continue to deal damage and generate more Grenade Energy.
The nature of this Exotic with this build is cyclical. Players use their Grenade to suspend enemies and generate Tangles. Then, they kill those enemies, destroy the Tangles, and earn Woven Mail as they do to help protect from incoming damage. It’s perfect for intense PvP situations where enemies are going to be coming from all angles and waiting for a player’s health to be compromised. Woven Mail could be the difference between getting another kill or dying.

As for the Exotic weapon we believe fits best with this PvP Strand Warlock build in Destiny 2, it’s got to be Quicksilver Storm. Bonus points for those who have unlocked the Catalyst. This weapon is Strand-based and uses primary ammo, so players will never run out of it.
The Exotic Perk, Rocket Tracers, makes the next shot a homing micro-rocket if players land multiple hits. There’s also a secondary fire mode that’s a grenade launcher. Players build up grenade ammo by landing multiple rocket hits in the primary mode. We find it a really great weapon to swap between modes on because it’s easy to understand how much ammo is available for a clutch grenade launcher in a pinch.
Of course, there are plenty of Legendary weapons that could fit the bill here. We’re going with Quicksilver Storm because we put the effort in to earn the Catalyst, and we think it’s fantastic. It helps that it’s a Strand weapon, and that just makes for a fantastic Strand build for any Class, too.
About the author

Jamie Moorcroft-Sharp
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