Do Sylvie and Loki have the same DNA?

February 2024 · 6 minute read
It's genetically not possible. Theres a reason the TVA uses temporal aura to identify variants, and not DNA. An alligator and a Frost Giant will never have the same DNA. The only things that Sylvie and Loki might share is a similar soul.

Do Loki and Sylvie have the same parents?

The controversy hinges upon the fact that Loki and Sylvie (probably) have the same parents—albeit in different universes. MCU canon introduced Loki as a blue-skinned Jotunn who was adopted as a baby by the Asgardian king Odin.

Is Loki and Sylvie related?

Loki and Sylvie are not related

Loki introduced variants and Nexus events into the Marvel Cinematic Universe. And fans had questions about variants immediately. Except for Sylvie, all of the Loki variants had the same name.

Why is Sylvie a variant in Loki?

But, there was an original nexus event that caused Sylvie to lose the life she was meant to have. The TVA only removes someone from the timeline when they do something unapproved that creates a branched timeline, which is known as a nexus event and makes them a variant.

Is Sylvie Loki from another dimension?

Sylvie Lushton in the Marvel Cinematic Universe

Di Martino's Sylvie is indeed a Loki variant, taken from Asgard in her early childhood, explaining why her life and her knowledge of Asgard are so different from that of Loki himself.

LOKI: Are Variants Biologically Related? DNA Link Explained

How is Sylvie older than Loki?

Classic Loki's advanced age was reflected by the actor playing him, Richard E. Grant, who is 64. Sylvie actress Sophie Di Martino, on the other hand, is 37, which suggests that her character is approaching middle-age for a Frost Giant.

Why is Sylvie not called Loki?

If Loki is following the traditions of Icelandic culture, Sylvie Laufeydottir is indeed the female version of Loki, albeit one granted the name “Sylvie” as an Easter egg reference to Enchantress. From a storytelling perspective, this move makes sense.

Is Sylvie a Thor variant?

Sylvie is actually a combo of two different characters: a Loki variant and a version of the classic Thor comics villain, Enchantress. An average girl named Sylvie Lushton in the comics, Sylvie was given magical powers and became another version of the Enchantress.

Do Loki and Sylvie have babies?

Together, they have one son, Narvi Lokison, although we never actually meet him in the comics. That's the case with most of Loki's children — they're alive only by mention. But all that does is give the MCU room to expand on them.

Is Loki Sylvie father?

Sylvie Laufeydottir means Sylvie, the daughter of Laufey. Laufey was the king of Frost Giants, who was killed by Loki in the main MCU timeline. He was also the father of Loki.

Who will Loki's love interest be?

Loki and Sylvie's love story has an apocalyptic beginning since that's where the two first begin to bond. Trapped on a moon on the verge of total destruction, the two are forced to work together to find a way out of this situation, only to have it completely fail before their eyes.

How many child does Loki have?

Loki is married to Sigyn and they have two sons, Narfi and Nari or Váli. By the jötunn Angrboða, Loki is the father of Hel, the wolf Fenrir, and the world serpent Jörmungandr. In the form of a mare, Loki was impregnated by the stallion Svaðilfari and gave birth to the eight-legged horse Sleipnir.

Who's stronger Loki or Sylvie?

Lady Loki - known better in the series as Sylvie - has a skillset that appears closest to the "main" Loki', although it seems her magic may be slightly more potent, as she has cast magic in Time Variance Authority offices, which was prior to that supposedly impossible.

Is Sylvie Enchantress Loki?

Sylvie Lushton is Enchantress, a formidable sorceress who is empowered by Loki. While she lacks formal training in her magic, Lushton can pull off teleportation, spellcasting, and mental manipulations with ease.

Is Loki a genderfluid?

Loki is one of Marvel comics' most complex villains, with a wide range of abilities and powers. His shapeshifting ability has led to years of speculation about his gender, with the final consensus being that Loki is, indeed, genderfluid.

How is Sylvia A Loki Variant?

It's possible Sylvie is simply a Loki variant.

There's a significant chance this Sylvie is who the TVA says she is: A rogue Loki with blonde curls. We know she was adopted by Asgardians like Hiddles-Loki, though she knew her true heritage long before he did.

Are Sylvie and Loki canon?

Supporters of the Sylki ship have pointed out that both Loki and Sylvie are bisexual, which is directly confirmed onscreen in episode 3, that Loki's sex is confirmed fluid and that both characters are likely genderfluid, so their romantic relationship is still representative of a queer relationship.

Is there a female version of Loki?

Marvel made it canon in the first episode upon his arrival at the Time Variance Authority that Loki, always a shape-shifter, is gender fluid. Lady Loki in the Marvel Comics is Loki—just in female form.

Is Sylvie from Loki a Frost Giant?

Frost Giant Physiology: Sylvie is a Frost Giant who has been enchanted to look like an Asgardian.

How old is Loki in human years?

Asgardians live for about 5,000 years and Loki's only been around for 1,070 of those years, which, relative to humans, makes him about 21.4 years old. Thor, on the other hand, is 1,500 years old, which makes him about 30 years old in human years.

Who is the superior Loki?

After an enormous fifth episode of Marvel's Loki, we've met a bunch of new Variants of the God of Mischief, one of which is clearly the superior Loki: yes, it's Alligator Loki, with its little horns and adorable paddling pool.

What is Sylvie The God of?

As revealed in DARK REIGN: YOUNG AVENGERS (2009) #4, Sylvie's powers were a “gift” from Loki, the God of Mischief, and she was actually brought into existence as an agent of chaos.

Why is Sylvie's horn broken?

Sylvie lived a "Mad Max" style life

As such, we had to ask Wada the meaning behind it. She told us that the broken horn is "just trying to give her a history of feeling that she was this Mad Max, basically a warrior out there and just with the battle scars and the wounds of jumping through time and fighting this fight.

How did Loki get pregnant?

He had disguised himself as the mare to which Svadilfari left the giant to be with, and had become pregnant with the stallion's foal. Loki later gave birth to a grey, eight-legged horse he called Sleipnir. It was the best horse among gods and men, so Loki gifted him to Odin.

Did Loki give birth to a serpent?

Who are Loki's offspring? With the female giant Angerboda (Angrboda: “Distress Bringer”), Loki produced the progeny Hel, the goddess of death; Jörmungand, the serpent that surrounds the world; and Fenrir (Fenrisúlfr), the wolf. Loki is also credited with giving birth to Sleipnir, Odin's eight-legged horse.
