Forza Horizon 5 (FH5) Hidden Bad Cactus: Where To Find

February 2024 · 4 minute read

Forza Horizon 5 Hidden Bad Cactus is part of an Optional Accolade you can complete while playing the second section of the Buggy And The Beast Showcase. For this Optional Accolade, your objective is to find and smash the Hidden Bad Cactus; however, if you don’t know where to find it, you won’t be able to smash it.

Although the second part of the FH5 Buggy And The Beast Showcase won’t change the result, you’ll get at the end of the first part (the actual race); if you are a completionist, you’ll most likely want to know where you find the Bad Cactus. And below, I’ll tell you just that.

Buggy and the Beast Showcase Optional Accolades

The FH5 Buggy And The Beast Showcase is divided into two parts. The first one is a race where you get to drive a buggy and compete against two monster trucks. The second part includes a series of 5 trials (Optional Accoldaes) you’ll need to complete to celebrate your victory.

Since there are only three racers in this Showcase, it means that even if you place 3rd, you’ll still get to play the second part. As you can see, the Showcase starts on top of Caldera Mountain. Now, without going over the actual race against the monster trucks, once you start the second part of the Showcase, you’ll get the following Optional Accolades:

Before talking about the Hidden FH5 Bad Cactus, let’s quickly go over the other Optional Accolades so you know what you have to do.

How To Smash 50 Bowling Pins

This Buggy And The Beast Optional Accolade is the easiest because the Showcase field is full of Bowling Pins. To complete it faster, focus on the large piles of Pins because you’ll save a lot of time. You can see one in the image below.

Last but not least, since you’ll most likely hit a lot of Bowling Pins while working on other Optional Accolades, ignore this one until you finish the important ones. So don’t prioritize this one in the beginning. 

How To Earn 5 Ultimate Air Skills

The Forza Horizon 5 Buggy And The Beast Ultimate Air Skills will also come naturally while working on other Optional Accolades, so again, don’t prioritize them. You’ll get 5 Ultimate Air Skills by jumping on the ramps scattered around the field. If this is your last Accolade, focus on the square ramps, like the one in my screenshot. Simply drive at high speed to get an Ultimate Air Skill.

How To Achieve a Speed of 90 Mph

To achieve a speed of 90 MPH, you’ll need to drive around the field, preferably without hitting any obstacles. You can also cross the football field through the central area, but the pins will slow you down.

Instead, stick to the edge and go around all obstacles. This Optional Accolade should be the second one you complete after you find the Hidden Forza Horizon 5 Bad Cactus explained below.

Where To Find the Hidden Bad Cactus

The Forza Horizon 5 Hidden Bad Cactus is behind a blue container on the western side of the field. You can see it in my screenshots below, and you can also see that there is a wooden ramp next to it.

Just look for the FH5 Hidden Bad Cactus in the corner of the crate and drive into it to smash it. When you work on completing the Buggy And The Beast Optional Accolades, the FH5 Hidden Cactus should be your first priority.

How To Complete All Buggy and the Beast Optional Accolades

Since the second part of the FH5 Buggy And The Beast Showcase includes a timer, you’ll want to know how to prioritize the Optional Accolades and combine them to save time. As such, you may want to consider this order the moment you start the victory lap:

And that’s about it. You just found the Forza Horizon 5 Hidden Bad Cactus and also finished all Buggy And The Beast Optional Accolades in the video game developed by Playground Games.
